
Save web pages for later offline reading, optimized for readability on your iPhone or iPod touch's screen. Featured by Apple and critically acclaimed by top blogs, newspapers, and magazines!

Great for long articles and blog posts that you find during the day and would like to read, but don't have the time when you find them. Save with Instapaper, then read later when you're commuting, in a meeting, or waiting in line.

Need something to read? You can browse articles that your friends posted on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. Or browse the Editor's Picks, curated by hand from the Instapaper community's most-saved stories.

Sending to Instapaper is supported by over 150 other iPhone and iPad apps! You can even send long emails to Instapaper to read later.


- Saves most web pages as text only, stripping away the full-sized layout to optimize for the iPhone and iPad screens
- Distraction-free reading environment gets out of your way so you can focus on the content
- E...
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  Megtekintések: 638 Verzió: V 4.1.1 Beküldve: 384793966  
Oszd meg a letöltést másokkal is!
A letöltés a weboldalon található! A nem tárol semmilyen fájlt a szerverein, tevékenységeteljesen legális, nem ütközik semmilyen jogszabályba. Amennyiben mégis kivetni valója van a letöltéssel kapcsolatban,úgy a email címen jelezheti ezt.
Instapaper letöltés ingyen, Instapaper ingyenes letöltése, Free YouTube to MP3WMA Converter ingyen, Instapaper letölt, Instapaper letöltése, Free YouTube toMP3 WMA Converter ingyen, Instapaper ingyen program

Tekintsd meg a kedvenc mobilod! A legjobb filmek csak a Funbiten

Warning: Unknown: write failed: Disk quota exceeded (122) in Unknown on line 0

Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/home/sessions/ingyphu1) in Unknown on line 0